Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Becoming a Police Officer Essay Example for Free

Becoming a Police Officer Essay Although being a police officer can be stressful, it can also be highly rewarding if public service is important to you. (Kara, 1999) When becoming a Police Officer, you are making a commitment to protect your community even if it means giving your life to do it. Despite what some people may think every police officer does their job they way they do it to make sure that your families are safe every night. Just like any job out there now a days you have to have an education. To be a police officer most places are now requiring a two degree. Going beyond a two year degree usually leaves you the opportunity to progress in your field of choice allowing for more job options. Being a Police Officer means that you have to first meet the requirements set forth by the department with which you are applying, have the unique set of skills to do your job efficiently, and you have to have the willingness to further your education to go further in your career. To be successful as a Police Officer there are some characteristics that you need. Some of these characteristics include having a level head, being able to think quickly on your feet, and have the ability to work well under pressure. You have to be able to work well with little to no supervision. This is a skill you need when working undercover and in the field. It is also important that you have self-confidence, and confidence in your ability to make decisions and take the lead in what could be a risky situation. Leadership skills are also important because the people of the community look to you to be able to solve issues and crime related issues. Having the capabilities to be a leader comes very important in the job as an officer. The whole community depends upon your ability to be a leader in their eyes. It’s highly important to have the ability to stay calm in highly stressful situations. If you are unable to stay calm in high pressure situations and emotional intense situations it will become hard for you to as an officer to function on a daily basis. Having patience (which can be difficult at times) and a good set of morals are also important skills an officer must have. An officer must be able to handle situations with patience and good communication skills. These come very handy while interviewing a suspect or even dealing with issues in the community. Having a good set of morals are important because as an officer of the law you must set the example and follow the laws yourself and not believe that you can get away with everything because you are above the law, because you are not. You are an enforcer of the law, so to enforce the law upon others you must also obey the laws yourself. You also should have a good sense of right and wrong to be able to encourage good behavi or to the public. The basic requirements to be a police officer are usually about the same, because most follow the civil service regulations when hiring officers. These requirements would include: Being a United States citizen, you have to be at least twenty-one years old, have a high school diploma or equivalent education, possess a valid driver’s license, and have no prior convictions. Now these are just the basics, most departments generally have more requirements, for example a lot of departments now require that you have at least an associate’s degree in criminal justice. Before you can begin working in a department as an officer you are generally required to attend a police academy which you must complete and pass to be qualified as a Police Officer. When you go through the police academy you are generally there from twelve to fourteen weeks, while there you must pass a physical fitness and written exam. While at the police academy educational wise, you will learn state ordinances and local laws, working with the public, constitutional laws, accident investigation, incident reporting, civil rights, mental preparation for hostility, and criminal psychology. Like most jobs you can learn all you want about a job but, you learn best by doing. Because police jobs are dangerous jobs they require specific training to succeed in the field. Work experience is done under the supervision of a training officer. The on the job training includes: using firearms, responding to emergencies, controlling traffic, CPR and first-aid, self-defense techniques, apprehension techniques, risk assessment, and role playing. All training is essential to be the best you can be at being an officer. All the training that is endured is important for you to be the person the community needs you to be. There are several opportunities for advancement in law enforcement. The police force ranking is clearly structured and goes as followed: Police constable, sergeant, inspector, chief inspector, superintendent, chief superintendent, assistant chief constable, deputy chief constable, and chief constable. Police constables have to complete a two year probationary period before they can be eligible for higher ranking. When the probationary period is over police constables are then able to apply for specialist units such as the fraud squad, fire arms, drug squad, child protection, criminal investigation department (CID) traffic, mounted branches, dog handlers, and underwater search units. Becoming a police officer is a process; you are tested physically and mentally. Being a police officer is an important job because those people are there for you, your family, and the community. Not only is education a requirement to being a police officer, but furthering that education will open up more opportunities in that field. To be a police officer it takes a number of skills to be the best you can be at your job. References AGCAS. (2012, January). Police officer career development. Retrieved from Education Portal. (2003). Police officer: Educational requirements for police officers. Retrieved from What type of person can succeed in law enforcement. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Uncle Toms Cabin :: Uncle Toms Cabin Essays

BOOK:  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Uncle Tom’s Cabin AUTHOR:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Harriet Beecher Stowe COPYWRITE: 1852   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Uncle Tom’s Cabin is a historical book that I feel is one of the most mind enduring books of all time. This book put me in the place of every northern citizen in the 1800s. I felt as if I was in the story. My knowledge of how slaves were treated was enhanced greatly. To finally have read this book, I now know why this book was one of the main causes to the Civil War. To read the details about the pain and suffering that Tom and all of the other slaves faced really sickened my stomach and opened my eyes. I am glad to say that I have read the greatest book ever published about slavery, and if you ask me about any topic.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The information that I was able to gain from this book was and will be very useful to me for the rest of my life. In no way do I think of myself as a racist individual but never again will I allow myself to look at another person differently for their skin color, their disabilities, or look. This book really was a great learning experience; it has changed a small part of my mind that I will never lose.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Uncle Tom’s Cabin starts off with one setting and one story line and then breaks into two separate plots. In the beginning the story takes place on the Shelby plantation in Kentucky. The first chapter of the book is showing you the difference the author sees in Northern and Southern men. You can tell that the book is going to support the Northerners outlook on slavery. Mr. Shelby is in debt and he is trying to negotiate a deal with Mr. Haley to sell slaves to him. Mr. Haley notices a young boy Harry, who comes onto the porch to sing and dance, and wants to take him. Right after this Harry’s mother comes in and Mr. Haley wants her also because she is so beautiful. Mr. Shelby tries to explain he can’t get rid of either of them.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As the book progresses you learn more about the story of Eliza.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Agriculture to economic

Agriculture is central to economic growth and development in Pakistan. Being the dominant sector it contributes 21. 4 percent to GDP, employs 45 percent of the country’s labour force and contributes in the growth of other sectors of the economy. During 2012-13, agriculture sector exhibited a growth of 3. 3 percent on the back of positive growth in agriculture related sub sectors, Crops grew at 3. 2 percent, Livestock 3. 7 percent, Forestry 0. 1 percent and Fishing 0. 7 percent. The agriculture subsector component which includes important crops other percent respectively.As the performance of agriculture sector dependent upon weather condition, timely availability of input (water). During 2012-13 weather condition and water situation has an impact on these Kharif crops that paved the way for decrease in output of rice and cotton crops. Agriculture growth percentages (Base=2005-06): Other crops that contributed 12. 3 percent value addition in agriculture witnessed a positive gro wth of 6. 7 percent in 2012-13 against negative growth of 7. 7 percent during the same period last year. The cotton ginning under new base 2005-06 has been included in agriculture value addition showed a negative growth of 2.9 percent in 2012-13 against the positive growth of 13. 8 percent during the same period last year. The Livestock sector which has a 55. 4 percent share in the agriculture grew by 3. 7 percent in 2012-13. The Fishing sector grew by 0. 7 percent as against last year’s positive growth of 3. 8 percent. Forestry sector posted a nominal growth of 0. 1 percent this year as compared to positive growth of 1. 7 percent last year. Pakistan has two crop seasons, â€Å"Kharif† being the first sowing season starting from April-June and harvested during October December. Rice, sugarcane, cotton, maize, moong, mash, bajra and jowar are â€Å"Kharif† crops.â€Å"Rabi†, the second sowing season, begins as on October-December and is harvested in April- May. Wheat, gram, lentil (masoor), tobacco, rapeseed, barley and mustard are â€Å"Rabi† crops. The crops performance is dependent upon timely availability of irrigation water. During 2012-13, the availability of water as an essential input for Kharif 2012 was 14 percent less than the normal supplies but to compare with Kharif 2011, it was 4. 4 percent less. The water availability during Rabi season 2012-13 was estimated 31. 9 MAF, which was 12. 4 percent less than the normal availability, but 8. 5 percent higher than last year’s Rabi crop Crop situation:Important croops, such as wheat, rice, maize, cotton and sugarcane account for 25. 2 percent of the value added in overall agriculture and 5. 4 percent to GDP. The other crops account for the 12. 3 percent of the value added in overall agriculture. Live stock contributes 55. 4% to agriculture value added much more then the combine contribution of important and other crops. ( 37. 6%). The production performance of impor tant crops is given in table. a. Important crops: i) Cotton: Pakistan economy depends heavily on cotton crop significantly contribute by providing raw material to the textile industry, such as cotton lint as an export item.It account for 7. 0% of value added in agriculture and 1. 5% of GDP. During 2012-13 the crops was on area of 2879 thousand heacters, 1. 6% more then last year(2835 thousand heacters). The production of 13. 0 million bales during the period2012-13 against the target of 14. 5 million bales resulted in decline of 13. 0% against the target and decrease of 4. 2 percent over the preceding year production which was 13. 6 million bales. Mild attack of Thrips, white fly and cotton leaf curl virus (CLCV) adversely effected the production of cotton boll which effected the production and yield per heacter as compare to last year.ii)Sugarcane: Sugarcane crops occupies an important position in national economy in order to drive the large sugar industry. It also provide the mate rial to clipboard, paper and ethanol. It share in value added in agriculture and GDP is 3. 2 and 0. 7% respectively. Sugarcane crops was cultivated on an area of 1124 thousand hecters,6. 2% more then last year’s area of area of 1058 thousand hecters. The main factor contributed to higher production where more area brought under cultivation due to economic return received by the grower, good management of crops and application of balance doze of inputs. iii)Rice:Rice is an important cash crop of coutry. Rice production comprises 40 percent of Basmati (Fine) type and 60% of coarse types. Rice ranks as second amongst the staple food grain crop in Pakistan and it has been a major source of foreign exchange earnings in recent years. Pakistan grows a high quality of rice to fulfil the domestic demand and also for exports. Rice accounts 2. 7 percent of the value added in agriculture and 0. 6 percent of GDP. iv) Wheat: Wheat is an essential diet of population and occupies a central p osition in agriculture polices of the government. The government announced wheat support price of R.s 1200 which created interest on the part of farming community. Wheat contributes 10. 1% to the value added in agriculture and 2. 2% to GDP. Area under wheat increased to 8693 thousand hecter in 2012-13 from 8650 thousand hecters showing an increase of 0. 5% over lats year’s area. Other crops: During 2012-2013,the production of Gram, the largest Rabi pulses crop in Pakistan, stood at 673 thousand tones, against 284 thousand tones of last year, showing an increase of about 137. 0 percent due to increase in area and favorable weather condition, while production of bajra increased 2. 0 percent.This is in contrast to other crops like jawar, Rapeseed & Mustard, Barley and tobacco showed an decline in production of 10. 9 percent, 6. 7 percent, 6. 0 percent and 1. 0 percent, respectively, in 2012-13 as compared to the corresponding period last year. Oilseed: The major oilseed crops i nclude cottonseed, sunflower, canola and rapeseed / mustard. Although the cotton crop is grown for its lint, cottonseed contributes 50 to 60 percent to local edible oil production. During the year 2011-12, the total availability of edible oil was 2. 748 million tonnes. Local production of edible oil is remained 0.636 million tonnes while imports were 2. 148 million tonnes. The import bill during 2011-12 stood at Rs. 216. 4 billion (US$ 2. 426 billion). During the year 2012-13 (July-March), 1. 738 million tonnes of edible oil valued at Rs. 153. 3 billion (US$ 1. 595 billion) has been imported. The local production during 2012-13 (July-March) was 0. 612 million tonnes. Total availability of edible oil from all sources is provisionally estimated at 2. 35 million tonnes during 2012-13 (July-March). II. Farm Inputs: i) Fertilizer: Fertilizer is the most important and expensive input.Contribution of balanced fertilization towards increased yield is from 30 to 50 percent in different crop production regions of the country. One kg of fertilizer nutrient produces about 8 kg of cereals (wheat, maize and rice), 2. 5 kg of cotton and 114 kg of stripped sugarcane. Almost hundred percent soils in Pakistan are deficient in nitrogen, 80 to 90 percent are deficient in phosphorus and 30 percent in potassium. Wide spread deficiency of micronutrients are also appearing in different areas. Soil fertility is continuously depleting due to mining of essential plant nutrients from the soils under intensive cultivation. ii) Improved seed:Quality seed plays a pivotal role in boosting agricultural production both in market oriented and subsistence farming system. Seed has the unique position among various agricultural inputs because the effectiveness of all other inputs mainly depends on the potential of the seeds. Seed is a high technology product and is an innovation most readily adapted. Improving access to good quality of seed is a critical requirement for sustainable agricultural gr owth and food security. Effective use of improved/certified seed can result in higher agricultural production and increases the net income which has a positive impact on rural development.Hence, availability of quality seed of improved varieties is essential to achieve the production targets. iii) Mechanization: Mechanization of agriculture plays an important role in increasing agricultural production. Mechanization of agriculture is crucial to achieve self sufficiency and surpluses through increasing productivity and reducing pre and post harvest losses. The government is making all efforts to modernize its agriculture and its allied fields more efficiently and productively. The use of efficient and quality farm machinery and equipment play an important role in the sowing and harvesting of agriculture crops.During July-March 2012-13 a total number of 36121 tractors were produced in the country, showing an increase of 34. 6 percent as compared to 26840tractors produced during the sa me period last year. iv) Irrigation: Water is an important input to achieve the agriculture growth and is considered to be the lifeline of agriculture activities. Pakistan has a good irrigation canal network but temperatures and rainfalls during sowing and harvesting season has its own unique importance. III. Livestock and Poultry: a) Livestock:The livestock sector occupies a unique position in the National Agenda of economic development . The sector provides net source of foreign earnings. Historically livestock has been dominated by small holders to meet their needs of milk, food security and cash income on daily basis. Moreover, livestock is considered a source of employment generation at rural level, helping to reduce income variability. It is central to the livelihood of the rural poor in the country and can play an important role in poverty alleviation and keep in uplifting the socio-economic condition of our rural masses.b) Poultry: Poultry sector is one of the most organized and vibrant segments of the agriculture industry of Pakistan. This sector generates employment (direct/indirect) and income for about 1. 5 million people. Its contribution in agriculture is 5. 76 percent, livestock 10. 4 percent and in GDP at constant cost factor 1. 2 percent. Poultry meat contributes 26. 8 percent of the total meat production in the country. Poultry sector has shown a robust growth @ 7-8 percent annually which reflects its inherent potential. The poultry value added at constant cost factor has increased from Rs.113465 million (2011-12) to Rs. 121726 million (2012-13) showing an increase of 7. 3 percent as compared to previous year. Fisheries: Fishery plays an important role in Pakistan’s economy and is considered to be a source of livelihood for the coastal inhabitants. A part from marine fisheries, inland fisheries (based in rivers, lakes, ponds, dams etc. ) is also very important activity throughout the country. Fisheries share in the GDP although very li ttle but it adds substantially to the national income through export earnings. During (July-March), 2012-13 a total of 103,822 m.tonnes of fish and fishery products were exported earning US $ 232. 4 million against a total of 90,087 m. tonnes of fish and fishery products were exported earning US $ 222. 6 million corresponding period last year showing an increase of 15. 3 percent and 4. 4 percent respectively. Future Plans: Consequent upon 18th Constitutional Amendment, the animal health and production subject have been future policy priorities therefore revolve around the following strategies. Encouraging Public Private Partnership led development with government providing enabling environment. National economic growth.Encouraging livestock sector role and using as tool for poverty alleviation & food security. Enhance foreign exchange earnings through exports of livestock products with focus on halal food market. future policy priorities therefore revolve around the following strate gies. Encouraging Public Private Partnership led development with government providing enabling environment. National economic growth. Encouraging livestock sector role and using as tool for poverty alleviation & food security. Enhance foreign exchange earnings through exports of livestock products with focus on halal food market.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

The Seated Queen And The Wish Granting Dragon - 1160 Words

Cassiopeia: The Seated Queen and the Wish-granting Dragon The famed Alexandrian astronomer, Ptolemy, catalogued Cassiopeia among his original 48 constellations recorded in The Almagest, and it still shines brightly to this day. Visible year-round, Cassiopeia is easily identified by its â€Å"W† shape. This distinction, also known as an asterism, made Cassiopeia one of the first constellations I could identify in the night sky. Each time I spot those five stars I am hit with a wave of nostalgia and this has caused Cassiopeia to be among my favorite constellations. While predominantly appearing in the Northern sky, Cassiopeia may also be viewed from parts of the Southern hemisphere. The stars span an area of 598 square degrees, making Cassiopeia the 25th largest of the 88 recognized constellations. Included in the formation are open clusters Messier 52 and Messier 103; the supernova remnant Cassiopeia A; a star-forming cloud known as the Pacman Nebula; and The White Rose Cluster. German-British astronomer Caroline Hershel discove red the cluster in 1783. Approximately 300 stars form this cluster, which appears as a delicate rose gently unfolding in the sky. Cassiopeia belongs to the Perseus family that also includes the constellations Andromeda, Auriga, Cepheus, Cetus, Lacuta, Pegasus, Perseus, and Triangulum. Cassiopeia is also called The Seated Queen. The origins of the title lie in the Greek Muggle myth of Cassiopeia, Queen of Ethiopia. As the story tells, the vain